
Create A Mall

Arcade Mania
Build 10 arcades.
Build 50 Book Stores
Explore the entire Capitolville to earn this!
Explore the entire Centropolis to earn this!
Credit Collector
Accumulate 15 store credits in Kelly's Office
Danger Free
Introduce 5 Security Enhancements
Dress Designer
Build 100 Clothing Stores
Fashion Mania
Dress up Kelly with 5 different fashionable outfits.
Final Challenge
Explore the entire Final Challenge to earn this!
Foodie Doodie
Build 50 Restaurants
Go Bowling
Build 4 Bowling Alleys
Gold Souk
Build 100 Jewelry Stores.
Build 50 Info Centers
Explore the entire Littleville to earn this!
Movie Buff
Build 10 Movie Theaters
Scent Descent
Build 100 Perfume Stores
Shoe Maker
Build 100 Shoe Stores.
Explore the entire Smalltown to earn this!
Build 10 Computer Stores.
Build 8 Music Stores
Build 50 Toy Stores
Trophy 1
Win all three medals in Tutotown to earn this trophy!
Trophy 2
Win all six medals in Littleville to earn this trophy!
Trophy 3
Win all six medals in Smalltown to earn this trophy!
Trophy 4
Win all six medals in Centropolis to earn this trophy!
Trophy 5
Win all six medals in Capitolville to earn this trophy!
Trophy 6
Win all three medals in the Final Challenge to earn this trophy!
Trophy 7
Purchase all decorations for your office to earn the golden Decorator trophy!
Trophy 8
Shop in your mall's stores to earn the golden Ultimate Shopper trophy!
Trophy 9
Purchase all clothing and accessories to earn the golden Clothes Shopper trophy!
Explore the entire Tutotown to earn this!
Twitter Freak
Tweet 100 scores.
Build 2 Department Stores.

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