
Above and Below

Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore
Defeat (20)
Finish the campaign and get the "Defeat ending".
Done (25)
Finish a mission with a 100% enemies destroyed rating.
Double Gun (10)
Upgrade your weapon to the 1st level.
Dreadful (20)
Destroy 2000 enemies through the entire game.
Experienced Soldier (10)
Destroy 100 enemies through the entire game.
Fast (10)
Upgrade your weapon to the 2nd level.
Faster (10)
Upgrade your weapon to the 3rd level.
Fresh Blood (10)
Destroy 50 enemies through the entire game.
Immortal (25)
Finish a mission without losing any HP.
Killing Machine (10)
Destroy 500 enemies through the entire game.
Legendary (15)
Destroy 1000 enemies through the entire game.
Monster (25)
Destroy 5000 enemies through the entire game.
New Recruit (10)
Destroy 30 enemies through the entire game.
Stunt Pilot (30)
Destroy 8 enemies with one barrel roll or loop.
The Back-up Boys (20)
Upgrade your weapon to the 4th level.
The Secret Weapon (20)
Keep a special ammo up for 60 seconds.
Victory (30)
Finish the campaign and get the "Victory ending".
Worth The Cost (10)
Destroy 200 enemies through the entire game.

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