Various cheats
Enter the following codes in the cheat menu.
Cheat code: Effect:
moveinfast Increased Speed
getitup Moon Gravity
keepitsteady Perfect Manual
letitslide Perfect Rail Balance
digivid Unlock all THUG Movies
Unlock Cheats:
The following cheats become available at the cheats menu when you
get 129 of 129 level objective goals:
Always Special
Cool Specials
Flame Grinds
Kid Mode
Moon Gravity
Perfect Manual
Perfect Rail
Perfect Skitch
Unlock Civilian Skaters:
Get extra civilian skaters by finding all of the gaps in the game.
Unlock Hidden Skaters:
Beat the game on the difficulty shown to unlock the following
Gene Simmons - Complete Beginner Story Mode
Iron Man - Complete Normal Story Mode
T.H.U.D. - Complete Sick Story Mode
Unlock More Hidden Skaters:
Enter the following as names for created skaters to unlock that
Name: Skater:
THEDOC Adam Lippmann
Alan Flores Alan Flores
Andy Marchel Andy Marchel
Bailey Bailey
Big Tex Big Tex
fatass Brad Bulkley
Akira2s C Surla
arr Captain Cody
Chauwa Steel Chauwa Steel
ChrisP Chris Peacock
Chris Rausch Chris Rausch
Johnny Ow Chum
Dan Nelson Dan Nelson
Daddy Mac Dana MacKenzie
DDT Darren Thorne
TOPBLOKE Dave Cowling
Dave Stohl Dave Stohl
crom Eric Grosser
Yawgurt Gary Jesdanun
Glycerin Glycerin
Greenie Greeniev
grjost grjost
GEIGER Jake Geiger
Jason Uyeda Jason Uyeda
NSJEFF Jeff Morgan
Jeremy Anderson Jeremy Anderson
Joel Jewett Joel Jewett
Guilt Ladle Kevin Mulhall
Marcos XK8R Marcos XK8R
woodchuck Michelle Deyo
Mike Ward Mike Ward
moreuberthaned Mikey Ortai
Noly Nolan Nelson
POOPER Paul Robinson
buffoon Pete Day
deadendroad Ralph D'Amato
M'YAK Rock
1337 Rulon Raymond
sik sik
Skillzombie Skillzombie
Stacey D Stacey D
tao zheng tao zheng
Hammer Ted Barber
The Kraken The Kraken
The Swink The Swink
TSUEnami! Todd Sue
Todd Wahoske Todd Wahoske
leedsleedsleeds Wardy
Zig Zac Drake
Unlock Alternate Ending:
Unlock an Alternate Ending by beating story mode twice on any
Unlock Cars:
Beat the following missions to unlock the car shown.
Leafblower - Beat Either:
"Race the blowcart" or "Ralphie got busted" in Vancouver
Limo - Beat the Mission:
"Pick everyone up in the Limo" in Vancouver
Old Sedan - Beat the Mission:
"Nut Vendors Unite!" in New York
Old Sedan - Beat the Mission:
"Pineapple Killer" in Hawaii
Police Car - Beat the Mission:
"Revenge!!!" in Tampa
Russian Sedan - Beat the Mission:
"Party Favors" in Moscow
Security Cart - Beat the Mission:
"No one likes a dude festival" in San Diego
Street Warriors Race Car - Beat the Mission:
"Get in tight with the Street Warriors" in New Jersey
Unlock KISS Movie, Concert, and Bonus Music:
Collect K-I-S-S twice in the "Hotter Than Hell" bonus level. Once
to get the movie, and twice to get the ''concert'' and the two bonus
KISS music tracks.
Unlock Create-a-Deck:
Beat "Slamma Jamma" in Story Mode on any difficulty.
Unlock Hidden Levels:
Hangar - In moscow, there is a red building at the start. Go to
the opposite side of that building and walk into the fifth window from
the left.
Hotter than Hell -
Complete Story Mode on any difficulty.
School II from THPS 2 -
Grab level icon from ledge above train station in New Jersey.
Venice Beach level from THPS 2 -
Grab level from inside tiki head in Hawaii.
Unlock Movies:
Find secret tapes in the main story mode levels.
Bails 1 Movie - Find 3 tapes
Bails 1 Movie - Find 3 tapes
Bails 2 - Find 6 tapes
Bails 2 - Find 6 tapes
Always Hard - Find all 9 tapes
Always Hard - Find all 9 tapes
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