Various cheats
L = Leonardo
M = Michaelangelo
D = Donatello
R = Raphael
S = Shredder
Full Health:
Enter DSRDMRM as a password.
Self Recovery (Regain health slowly):
Enter DRMSRLR as a password.
Mighty Turtle (Invincibility):
Enter LSDRRDR as a password.
Squeaking (Alternate hit sounds):
Enter MLDSRDM as a password.
Pizza Paradise (All items turn into pizzas):
Enter MRLMRMR as a password.
Toddling (Alternate walk sounds):
Enter SSSMRDD as a password.
Super-Tough (Enemies have double defense):
Enter RDSRMRL as a password.
Nightmare (Enemies have double attack):
Enter SLSDRDL as a password.
Fatal Blow (Enemies have one hit kills):
Enter LRSRDRD as a password.
Abyss (Lose all health when falling):
Enter SDSDRLD as a password.
Poison (Lose health slowly):
Enter DRSLLSR as a password.
Super Offense Power (Double attack):
Enter SDLSRLL as a password.
Super Defense Power (Double defense):
Enter LDRMRLM as a password.
Challenge Mode Endurance(No stamina restore):
Enter MRMDRMD as a password.
Infinite Shuriken:
Enter RSRLRSM as a password.
No Shuriken:
Enter RLMRDSL as a password.
New Nexus outfit (Donatello):
Enter DSLRDRM as a password.
New Nexus outfit (Leonardo):
Enter LMRMDRD as a password.
New Nexus outfit (Michelangelo):
Enter MLMRDRM as a password.
New Nexus outfit (Raphael):
Enter RMSRMDR as a password.
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