
SSX Tricky

Get Everything
     At the title screen, press A, B, A, X, Y, Up, Down, Up, Down. You
should  hear the word "Tricky" from the song. If you fail to input the
code correctly the game will restart.

     Enter  RECOR  as a name in world circuit mode. Choose any boarder
at  the  character  selection screen and he or she will be replaced by
Rectorator on the course.

Unlock Alternate Costumes
     Complete  all  chapters  in  your  trick  book  to earn alternate
costumes.  To  unlock the final chrome costume, complete world circuit
mode with a Master rank.

Unlock Characters
     These are all the characters and how you unlock them:

Eddie                   Available from Start
Elise                   Available from Start
Moby                    Available from Start
Mac                     Available from Start
Brodi                   Earn 1 Gold Medal in World Circuit
Zoe                     Earn 2 Gold Medals in World Circuit
JP                      Earn 3 Gold Medals in World Circuit
Kaori                   Earn 4 Gold Medals in World Circuit
Marisol                 Earn 5 Gold Medals in World Circuit
Psymon                  Earn 6 Gold Medals in World Circuit
Seeiah                  Earn 7 Gold Medals in World Circuit
Luther                  Earn 8 Gold Medals in World Circuit

Unlock Fugi Boards
     Get  a  gold  medal  on every course with all boarders with their
Uber board to unlock a Fugi board. It is the ultimate board and allows
you to do a "???" every time.

Unlock New Courses
     To  unlock  the Untracked course, get any medal in all courses in
RACE mode.

     To  unlock  the Pipedream course, get any medal in all courses in

Unlock Ьber Boards
     To   unlock   a  character's  Ьber  Board,  fully  complete  that
character's  trick chapter and the board will appear last at the board
selection screen.

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