
Shrek Extra Large

Crossing the bridge
     Get  the  red  pepper  when you are in the mine in 'The Enchanted
Forest  level. When you get the red pepper, go in the river, fart, and
blow up the fart near the large brown tree. Be careful -- stay out the
ground's  shadow or you will bump your head. Kick or punch the tree to
make  a bridge. Make the kids follow you across the tree, and put them
in the gingerbread house.

Finding the last egg
     The last egg is located in the same place where found find Little
Red's basket in the falls.

Defeating Merlin
     Kick  all of Merlin's soldiers into the T.N.T. pit. Then, use all
of  the  T.N.T.s  to burn down the doors. When you reach Merlin, super
punch  all  of  the spells, but do not super punch the T.N.T. Grab the
T.N.T.,  go  near  the  crystal  ball,  and flame the T.N.T. Go up the
stairs  and  flame  Merlin three times. Then, go down and flame Merlin
two  times.  If  you defeat Merlin, you will hear him say ''Ohh. never
saw that coming''.

Inside The Nintendo Gamecube codes
     When  you  defeat  Merlin and unlock the codes in the pause menu,
you can go inside the Nintendo Gamecube through these places:

     Prince's Castle: Go inside the window and try to get back, but miss.
     Creepy Crpyt: Go on the church, then press R and L a lot to the north.
     Mother Goose Land: Go to the farm and press R and L to any direction.

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