
James Bond 007: NightFire

All Bond Moves Video 
     To  see a special video that show cases every Bond Move, beat the
last  level  (Evil  Summit)  on  00 Agent mode. Right after the ending
cinematic,  the  game will show a video with EVERY Bond Move, level by
     Since there is no way to re-view the video, except by beating the
game  again  on  that difficulty, it's suggested that you take a blank
tape  and record your Video Input channel (or Channel 3 or 4 for those
of you still using the RF stich over -IGN).
All Upgrades 
     Enter Q LAB (note the space between Q and LAB) in the cheat 

Assassination Mode 
     Enter SCOPE as a code to unlock Assassination Mode.
Explosive Scenery 
     To make the scenery, well, explosive, enter this code: BOOM.

Infinite Missiles (Car Only) 
     During a driving stage, pause the game and hold L. Press B, Y, Y,
B, Y, X.

Level Select 
     Enter PASSPORT as a code to unlock all of the levels in the game.
Protect Mode 
     Enter GUARDIAN as a code to unlock Protect Mode.
Team King of the Hill Mode 
     To unlock Team King of the Hill Mode, enter this code: TEAMWORK.
Unlock Characters 
     Enter  PARTY  in  the  cheat  screen  to unlock all characters in

Unlock Demolition Mode 
     Enter  TNT  in  the  cheat  screen  to  unlock Demolition mode in

Unlock Multiplayer Stages 
     Enter GAMEROOM.

Uplink Mode 
     Enter TRANSMIT as a code to unlock Uplink Mode.

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Страница: Читы на James Bond 007: NightFire для GameCube

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