Unlock Everything
To unlock everything, enter LOKSMITH at the Codes screen.
Alternately use, SOMONEY.
Faster-filling Freekstyle Meter
To make your Freekstyle meter fill faster, enter the phrase
FIRESALE at the Codes screen.
Freejout Always Available
To allow for Freekout tricks at all times, go to the Codes screen
and enter the phrase ALLFREEK. Nooge.
Get Full Meter For Every Trick
To fill up your meter with every trick you land, enter the phrase
MO BOOST at the Codes screen.
Have Unlimited Boost
Who doesn't want unlimted boost? Get yours by entering FREEBIE at
the Codes screen.
Invisible Bike
To ride around on nothing but air, enter this phrase at the Codes
screen: FLYSOLO.
Rider Wears Helmet
To make each rider wear a helmet, enter the phrase HELMET at the
Codes screen.
Slo-Mo Effect
To turn on a slo-mo effect, go to the Codes screen and enter the
phrase WTCHKPRS.
Turn on Low Gravity
It's like you're on the moon, when you go to the Codes screen and
activate this cheat: FTAIL.
Unlock All Bikes
To unlock all bikes, go to the Codes screen and enter this
phrase: WHEELS.
Unlock All Characters
Enter the phrase POPULATE at the Codes screen to unlock all riders.
Unlock All Outfits
To unlock all outfits, enter the phrase YARDSALE at the Codes screen.
Unlock All Tracks
To unlock all tracks, enter TRAKMEET at the Codes screen.
Unlock Individual Riders
To unlock each individual, go to the Codes screen and enter
his/her corresponding phrase:
Clifford Adoptante: COOLDUDE
Mike Jones: TOUGHGUY
Jessica Patterson: BLONDIE
Greg Albertyn: GIMMEGREG
Unlock Tracks
Unlock these tracks by enter the corresponding phrases at the
Codes screen:
Gnome Sweet Gnome: CLIPPERS
Let it Ride: BLACKJAK
Rocket Garden: TODAMOON
Crash Pad FreeStyle: WIDEOPEN
Burbs FreeStyle: TUCKELLE
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