Unlock Hell Bonus Level:
Quickly press Right, Right, B, X, Left, Up, Down at the Main
Menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Unlock Guard Granny Stage Arena:
Collect 31 Fantastic Four icons.
Unlock Survival Killing Stage 2: Barge Arena:
Collect 2 Fantastic Four icons.
Unlock Survival Killing Stage 3: Underground Arena:
Collect 4 Fantastic Four icons.
Unlock Survival Killing Stage 4: Tikal Arena:
Collect 7 Fantastic Four icons.
Unlock Survival Killing Stage 5: Horus Arena:
Collect 20 Fantastic Four icons.
Survival Killing Stage 6: Elevator Arena:
Collect 25 Fantastic Four icons.
Survival Killing Stage 7: Shield Arena:
Collect 28 Fantastic Four icons.
Complete the indicated task or purchase the listed bonus from the
upgrade menu by spending points to unlock the corresponding item.
Biographies of original Fantastic 4 enemies #1 Purchase for 2000 points.
Biographies of original Fantastic 4 enemies #2 Purchase for 2000 points.
Biographies of the classic Fantastic 4 villains #1 Purchase for 2000 points.
Biographies of the classic Fantastic 4 villains #2 Purchase for 2000 points.
Biographies of the Fantastic 4 Purchase for 2000 points.
Boss monster drawings concept Purchase for 1000 points.
Character pencil sketches (Marvel) concept Purchase for 1000 points.
Chris Evans interview Purchase for 5000 points.
Classic Fantastic 4 cover #1 Purchase for 2500 points.
Classic Fantastic 4 cover #2 Purchase for 2500 points.
Classic Fantastic 4 cover #3 Purchase for 2500 points.
Classic Fantastic 4 cover #4 Purchase for 2500 points.
Classic Fantastic 4 cover #5 Purchase for 2500 points.
Classic Fantastic 4 cover #6 Purchase for 2500 points.
Developer interview #1 Collect 22 Fantastic Four icons.
Developer interview #2 Collect 33 Fantastic Four icons.
Enemy drawings concept Purchase for 1000 points.
Jessica Alba interview Purchase for 5000 points.
Julian McMahon interview Purchase for 5000 points.
Latveria 1 bonus mission Beat the game on Medium.
Latveria 2 bonus mission Beat the game on Hard.
Loan Gruffudd interview Purchase for 5000 points.
Michael Chiklis interview Purchase for 5000 points.
Stan Lee interview #1 Collect 9 Fantastic Four icons.
Stan Lee interview #2 Collect 13 Fantastic Four icons.
Stan Lee interview #3 Collect 26 Fantastic Four icons.
Stan Lee interview #4 Collect 29 Fantastic Four icons.
Stan Lee interview #5 Collect 35 Fantastic Four icons.
Ultimate Fantastic 4 comic panels concept Purchase for 1000 points.
Ultimate Fantastic 4 Panel #1 Purchase for 2500 points.
Ultimate Fantastic 4 Panel #2 Purchase for 2500 points.
Ultimate Fantastic 4 Panel #4 Purchase for 2500 points.
Ultimate Fantastic 4 Panel #5 Purchase for 2500 points.
Ultimate Fantastic 4 Panels #3 Purchase for 2500 points.
Ultimate Fantastic 4 sketches (Marvel) concept Purchase for 1000 points.
Zak Penn and Marty Signore interview #1 Purchase for 5000 points.
Zak Penn and Marty Signore interview #2 Purchase for 5000 points.
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