Get Extra Levels
Finishing all 16 monuments will get you a intermission and a new
level.Ъ Fulfil the villager's wishes and after the monument the
credits will start.Ъ New levels will now appear on the main menu.
Build the good and bad variations of the fifteen monuments in the
museum. Then, destroy one of the monuments. The villagers will build a
mystery monument, followed by an intermission sequence and bonus
Happy forever, Evil forever
Go to the start of the game selection screen. now, go to the
options menu, and click the following into your control pad: Z, Down,
A, B, A, R (for happy forever) Z, Up, A, B, A, LЪ (for evil forever).
This code will allow you to either, have as -many happy counters as
you want or as-many evil counters ad you want. ( You get bigger,
stronger, etc.)
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