
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters World Championship 2007

Card Passwords
     Enter the card passwords into the password machine.

Password: Result:
85639257  Aqua Madoor
15480588  Armored Lizard
20277860  Armored Zombie
40619825  Axe of Despair
48305365  Axe Raider
11901678  B. Skull Dragon
88819587  Baby Dragon
89091579  Basic Insect
05053103  Battle Ox
55550921  Battle Warrior
46009906  Beast Fangs
99426834  Beastking of the Swamps
16899564  Beautiful Headhuntress
16768387  Big Eye
53606874  Big Insect
65169794  Black Pendant
87564352  Blackland Fire Dragon
89631139  Blue Eyes White Dragon
00062121  Castle of Dark Illusions
95727991  Catapult Turtle
90101050  Celtic Guardian
92667214  Clown Zombie
40240595  Cocoon of Evolution
93889755  Crass Clown
67494157  Crawling Dragon
38289717  Crawling Dragon #2
28279543  Curse of Dragon
63224564  Cyber Shield
37043180  D.D. Warrior
72520073  Dark Artist
32344688  Dark Chimera
04614116  Dark Energy
40609080  Dark Magician
17881964  Darkfire Dragon
01435851  Dragon Treasure
66672569  Dragon Zombie
70681994  Dragoness the Wicked Knight
13215230  Dream Clown
37820550  Electro-Whip
90219263  Elegant Egotist
39897277  Elf's Light
33396948  Exodia the Forbidden One
41392891  Feral Imp
77456781  Fiend Kraken
34460851  Flame Manipulator
45231177  Flame Swordsman
66889139  Gaia the Dragon Champion
06368038  Gaia The Fierce Knight
14977074  Garoozis
41762634  Giant Flea
13039848  Giant Soldier of Stone
53493204  Goddess with the Third Eye
15367030  Gokibore
02906250  Grappler
14141448  Great Moth
13429800  Great White
53829412  Griffore
31122090  Gyakutenno Megami
76812113  Harpie Lady
12206212  Harpie Lady Sisters
52584282  Hercules Beetle
38552107  Horn of Light
64047146  Horn of the Unicorn
28546905  Illusionist Faceless Mage
03492538  Insect Armor with Laser Cannon
14851496  Jellyfish
30113682  Judge Man
76634149  Kairyu-Shin
88979991  Killer Needle
69455834  King of Yamimakai
01184620  Kojikocy
76512652  Krokodilus
40640057  Kuriboh
87756343  Larvae Moth
77007920  Laser Cannon Armor
07902349  Left Arm of the Forbidden One
44519536  Left Leg of the Forbidden One
61854111  Legendary Sword
40374923  Mammoth Graveyard
44287299  Masaki the Legendary Swordsman
28933734  Mask of Darkness
10189126  Masked Sorcerer
68339286  Metal Guardian
54098121  Mysterious Puppeteer
68516705  Mystic Horseman
15025844  Mystical Elf
36039163  Penguin Knight
48579379  Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth
75356564  Petit Dragon
58192742  Petit Moth
00549481  Prevent Rat
51371017  Princess of Tsurugi
29155212  Pumpking the King of Ghosts
74703140  Punished Eagle
94905343  Rabid Horseman
80516007  Rare Fish
33066139  Reaper of the Cards
74677422  Red-Eyes B. Dragon
70903634  Right Arm of the Forbidden One
08124921  Right Leg of the Forbidden One
91939608  Rogue Doll
15303296  Ryu-Kishin
66602787  Saggi the Dark Clown
26202165  Sangan
01557499  Silver Bow and Arrow
90357090  Silver Fang
02370081  Steel Shell
70781052  Summoned Skull
40453765  Swamp Battleguard
37120512  Sword of Dark Destruction
25109950  The Little Swordsman of Aile
29491031  The Snake Hair
41462083  Thousand Dragon
40907090  Tiger Axe
71625222  Time Wizard
80813021  Torike
46461247  Trap Master
94119974  Two-Headed King Rex
72842870  Tyhone
01784619  Uraby
50259460  Versago the Destroyer
39774685  Vile Germs
15150365  White Magical Hat
87796900  Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
49417509  Wolf
30090452  Zanki
31339260  Zombie Warrior

LP Survival Mode
     In order to unlock this feature, defeat all level 1 and all level
2 duelists 5 times.

Duel Disks
     Unlockable Duel Disks

Unlockable:             How to Unlock:
Alien Disk              Card list has to be 90% or above to obtain.
Girl's Disk             Card list has to be 80% or above to obtain.
Pharaoh Disk            Complete 100% of the duel puzzles
Vampire Disk            Complete 50% of the duel puzzles

View Mode
     In Free Duel Mode, you must obtain an 80% completion rate.

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Страница: Читы на Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters World Championship 2007 для Nintendo DS

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