
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009

Unlocking Single Duel Opponents
     Other than defeating people in story mode 5 times, here are the ways 
to unlock the rest of the single duel opponents: anything under 1000 
are LV1 duelists, anything above 1300 are LV 3 duelists, anything 
in between are LV 2

Alien overlord:               Buy all centre parts of the D Wheel

Antique gear ultimate golem:  Summon Antique gear ultimate golem

Arcana force EX - 
the Dark Ruler:               Summon Arcana force EX - the Dark Ruler

Barbaros:                     200 hours playing time

Blue Eyes White Dragon:       Summon Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Bryonac - 
Ice dragon boundary:          Synchro Summon 200 times

Colosal fighter:              Buy all front parts of the D Wheel

Dark Armed Dragon:            Summon armed dragon lv 10

Doom Dozer:                   Buy all rear parts of the D Wheel

Dragon D End:                 Summon D Hero Bloo-D

E HERO Dark gaia:             Use 300 Speed Spell

E HERO Hell gainer:           50 hours play time

Endymion:                     Win all single tournaments once each

Exodios:                      Win using Exodios' effect

Gladiator Beast Gyzarus:      Summon Heraklinos

Horus lv 8:                   Use magic card 750 times

Jinzo Ningen - Psycho Lord:   Use trap card 500 times

Judgement Dragon:             Special Summon 1000 times

Light and Darkness Dragon:    100 hour playing time

Montage Dragon:               Clear all 5 duel puzzles in story mode

Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode: Summon Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode

Ultimate Insect lv 7:         Summon Perfect ultimate great moth

Venominaga:                   Summon venominaga

Yubel:                        Summon Yubel Das Extremer Traurig Drachen 
                              (3rd form)

Unlocking Tag Duel Opponents (WC mode)
     Other than defeating tag teams in story mode 5 and 10 times, 
here are the ways to unlock the rest of the tag duel opponents: 
anything under 1000 are LV1 duelists, anything above 1390 
are LV 3 duelists, anything in between are LV 2 Note for the Summon 
requirements, for it to count it has to appear in the Duel Result 
to count (For example, the game won't detect Rainbow Dark Dragon 
when summoned using Rainbow Gravity)

Abyss Soldier/Neo Daedalus:   Have 10,000 DP or more

Breaker Magical 
Warrior/Marauding Captain:    Listen to tag explanation in story mode

Cyber Dragon/Drillroid:       Summon Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill

Cyber End Dragon/Chimeratech 
Overdragon:                   Reach 20,000 Attack point or more

Dark Armed Dragon/ Dark 
Monarch Gaius:                Win Tag Tournament 3 times

DD Survivor/Wind 
Monarch Raiser:               Riding Duel 200 times

E Hero Airman/D Hero 
Devilguy:                     Riding Duel 100 times

Exodia/Tragodiea:             Win using Exodia's effect

FGD/Cyber Dark Dragon:        Summon FGD

Golgar/Venominaga:            Win using Venominaga's effect

Horseytail/Gokipon:           Listen to tag explanation in story mode

Horus lv 8/Silent 
Swordman lv 5:                Win 5 times against 20 tag pairs in WC mode

Medium of Ice 
Boundary/Flamevell Baby:      Tag Duel 150 times

Mist Valley Soldier/Red 
Dragon Archfiend-Assault 
Mode:                         Summon Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode

Rainbow Dark Dragon/Fire 
Wagon:                        Summon Rainbow Dark Dragon

Raioh/Batteryman Charger:     Win 5 times against 10 tag pairs in WC mode

Ruin/Demise:                  Win using Final Countdown

Simorgh Divinity/Simorgh 
Ancestry:                     Tag Duel 50 times

Spirit Reaper/Necrofear:      Win using Destiny Board

Super Conductor 
Tyranno/Ultimate Tyranno:     Tag Duel 200 times

The Splendid Venus/Summoned 
Skull:                        Win Tag Tournament 5 times

Unlocking Tournament

Tournament Lv 1:              Unlock 15 level 1 tournament opponents

Tournament Lv 2:              Unlock 15 level 2 tournament opponents

Tournament Lv 3:              Unlock 15 level 3 tournament opponents

Unlock Jack's and Yusei's duel runner frames
     To unlock Jack's and Yusei's duel runner frames, finish all time 
attack and battle races with a rank of S.

Jack's frame 
(Wheel of Fortune):           Finish all battle races with S rank

Yusei's frame:                Finish all time attack races with S rank

Unlocking Tournament
     Unlock 20 Tag Opponents in WC mode

Unlockable Clothes
     You've gotta duel with style and how uyou look represents 
who you are.

Dark Magician Costume:   Beat the 2 Dark Magicians 
                         in the Duel Runner Store 5 times
King Replica Model 
(Jack Atlas Costume):    Beat Jack Atlas in Turbo duel 10 times

Rock 'n Roller:          Found During Story Mode

Security Uniform:        Have 85% of Total Collection

Yusei Jacket:            Beat Yusei in Turbo Duel 10 times

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