
Yoshi's Island DS

Character Coins Bonus
     In the game there is a coin with one of the baby's faces on it in
each  level  and  if you manage to find all of the coins in each world
you unlock the harder version of a minigame in the minigames menu!

Bouncy Maze (Hard)           Get all character coins in World 3
Egg Toss (Hard)              Get all character coins in World 5
Flutter Challenge (Hard)     Get all character coins in World 2
Speed Eating (Hard)          Get all character coins in World 4
Tulip Shooter (Hard)         Get all character coins in World 1

New characters
     You  can  get  four  new  babies  to ride on yoshi. They are baby
peach,  baby  DK,  baby  Wario,  and baby Bowser. Peach is unlocked at
world  1-5,  Dk  at  2-1,  Wario at3-5, and Bowser at 4-5. (note- Baby
Wario  and Baby Bowser will not remain with you forever, but peach and
dk will.

Baby Bowser: World 4-5
Baby DK: World 2-1
Baby Peach: World 1-5
Baby Wario: World 3-5

In-game reset:
     Press L + R + Start + Select during game play.

Extra levels
     Get  100  points  in  each of the eight stages (except the secret
stages)  in  the  indicated  World  (800  total  points) to unlock the
corresponding  Extra level. To do this, you must collect 20 Red Coins,
5 Flowers, and 30 Stars.

Extra 1: Get 800 points in World 1
Extra 2: Get 800 points in World 2
Extra 3: Get 800 points in World 3
Extra 4: Get 800 points in World 4
Extra 5: Get 800 points in World 5 

Time Trial mode
     Successfully  complete  the game to unlock Time Trial mode. Enter
the "File" menu and select your completed game file, which will have a
star  icon  and "Clear!" on it. "Time Trial" will appear in the bottom
right  corner  where  the  question  mark  used to be. Time Trial mode
features  five  extra  levels  (one for each world) and the ability to
play as a black Yoshi.

Rotating arrow
     You can swallow the rotating arrow in any stage it appears in.

Feet remains still when flutter jumping
     Make Yoshi do the flutter jump. Just when he is doing the flutter
jump,  press  X  (or R if you switched the controls) to make Yoshi aim
his eggs. Notice that his feet stay still when they are actually meant
to kick around while he is flutter jumping.

Enemy is Yoshi's mouth
     Get  DK  if  you  do not already have him. Swallow an enemy, then
climb  on  a  vine  and  reach out. You should still have the enemy in
Yoshi's  mouth;  however,  it  is  not. When you drop down, notice the
enemy is back in Yoshi's mouth.

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