

Card Codes

2134 DAL: Aobasat Apex
3412 HCI: Cyclone Geo (must beat game)
1243 AHE: Danaphant Tuska
4123 CHK: Danilob
2134 BGJ: Emerald Mineral
1243 BED: Grilden Biblad
3412 IDG: Grildragos Drafly
2134 AFJ: Gristar
1243 AHD: Hammer Geo (must beat game)
4123 EHI: Harumitey Lazos
3412 DAG: Ice Geo (must beat game)
1243 ECD: Inataflare Auger
1243 CHL: Inkalade
1243 KDA: Iota Cube
3412 DIF: Komainu
4123 HKA: Kugaster Sonara
2134 FIH: Mossax Jetspa (Custom Color 1)
1243 AFI: Naglub
2134 GHA: Plasma Geo (must beat game)
2134 LJE: Rho Cube
3412 BGK: Ruby Mineral
1243 KEH: Samukabu
2134 HDI: Samurite Voltar
1243 BFK: Sapphire Mineral
3412 GED: Segulos Propos
3412 CGL: Seguslice
4123 IHG: Shakor Bristle
3412 LIH: Sigma Cube
2143 DEI: Spiko
4123 HEB: Tau Cube
4123 IAH: Thunder Geo (must beat game)
4123 AEJ: Vilagrisp (Custom Part)
2134 JHI: Vilakroma
3412 HFE: Vilakroma (Custom Color 1)
4123 ACL: Vilakroma (Custom Color 2)
1243 ICL: Windora
4123 ADC: Windora (Custom Color 1)
3412 FLI: Windora (Custom Color 2)
2134 ELC: Windora Ortex
1243 ILD: Windora Ortex (Custom Color 1)
4123 ICD: Windora Ortex (Custom Color 2)
3412 LAK: Windora Sordina

Rewards From the Giant Vortexes
     To  unlock the vortexes which award Geos, you must first beat the
game.  To  win  the  prize, you must complete all of the rounds in the

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:
Evolve Mineral                Complete Nessa Area 2 vortex
Cyclone Geo                   Complete Daichi Area 1 vortex
Thunder Geo                   Complete Ziba Area 2 vortex
Hammer Geo                    Complete Nessa Area 3 vortex
Plasma Geo                    Complete Ziba Area 3 vortex
Ice Geo                       Complete Himuro vortex
Wing Geo                      Complete Meido vortex

Cube Locations
     These are where to find the cubes that unlock game features:

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:
upsilon cube 
(enables card input)          Once you unlock kollin, go downwards 
                              from your ship, then go right, 
                              you should see a tree soon, search under it.
sigma cube 
(DS wireless play)            On Genshi area 1, at the entrance 
                              to the forest area, there is a person there, 
                              search below him.
tau cube (wi-fi)              Once you unlock nessa, go to area 2, 
                              go to the right until you see a spire 
                              sticking out of the ground, search below it.

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