
Precure Max Heart

Various Unlockables
     When  you first start the game, you'll only be able to select the
Arcade  Mode.  Beating  it,  however, unlocks a few extra features and
modes.  You'll be able to unlock a third playable character, a gallery
with various cutscenes and art, level select, and a few mini-games.

Unlockable:                             How to Unlock:

Hikari Kujou/Shiny Luminous             Beat Arcade Mode

Gallery                                 Beat Arcade Mode

Level Select                            Beat Arcade Mode

Mini-Game Mode                          Beat Arcade Mode

Extra unlockable art and cutscenes
     Though  you'll  obtain much of the game's art gallery in a single
playthrough, you'll still be missing a few scenes and art. You'll have
to play through the game again with the third bonus character in order
to get them all.

Unlockable:                             How to Unlock

Shiny Luminous transformation scene     Choose Hikari Kujou/Shiny Luminous 
                                        as the primary character
Shiny Luminous and Cure Black art       Have Shiny Luminous and Cure Black 
                                        team up, then revive Cure Black 
                                        when she gets knocked out
Shiny Luminous and Cure White art       Have Shiny Luminous and Cure White 
                                        team up, then revive Cure White 
                                        when she gets knocked out
Extra end of game screen                Beat the game with Shiny Luminous 
                                        as the primary character

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