All characters:
Press X, Up, B, Down, Y, Left, Start, Right, R, R, L, R, R, Down,
Down, Up, Y, Y, Y, Start, Select at the main menu. A sound will
confirm correct code entry.
1 million Studs:
Press X, Y, B, B, Y, X, L, L, R, R, Up, Down, Left, Right, Start,
Select at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
3 million Studs:
Press Up, Up, B, Down, Down, X, Left, Left, Y, L, R, L, R, B, Y,
X, Start, Select at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code
All episodes and Free Play mode:
Press Right, Up, R, L, X, Y, Right, Left, B, L, R, L, Down, Down,
Up, Y, Y, X, X, B, B, Up, Up, L, R, Start, Select at the main menu. A
sound will confirm correct code entry.
All extras:
Press Up, Down, L, R, L, R, L, Left, Right, X, X, Y, Y, B, B, L,
Up, Down, L, R, L, R, Up, Up, Down, Start, Select at the main menu. A
sound will confirm correct code entry.
McDonald's Happy Meal Toy Cheats
This would be on the second level of the Bat Cave. There is a big
computer in the middle of the screen above where the outfit changer is
where you can enter the codes.
ZAQ637 Unlocks Alfred in Free Play
DPP967 Unlocks Commissioner Gordon in Free Play
XVK541 Unlocks Free Girl in Free Play
RDT637 Unlocks Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck
XWP645 Unlocks more Batarang Targets
BJH782 Unlocks Penguin Henchman in Free Play
NJL412 Unlocks Yeti in Free Play
Unlockables from the McDonald's Toy Set Codes
Enter these codes (provided by the Lego Batman toys at
McDonaldтАЩs) at the cheat screen to unlock the following:
BDJ327 Bruce Wayne - (from Batman Batarang toy)
DDP967 Commissioner Gordon - (from the Joker Helicopter toy)
XWP645 More Batarang Targets - (from the Batboat toy)
MVY759 Nightwing - (from Robin Grappling Hook toy)
KJP748 Penguin Minion - (from the Penguin Submarine toy)
MAC788 Police Van - (from the Batmobile toy)
CCB199 The Joker (Tropical) - (from the Joker Surprise toy)
NJL412 Yeti - (from Mr. Freeze Ice Blast toy)
Unlock Villain Hunt minigame
To unlock Villain Hunt minigame, finish all Villain chapters with
True Villain status for every story mode level. After completing all
Villain chapters, Villain Hunt mode will be unlocked and accessible
from the batcave computer.
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