Big Plays
Go on Wi-Fi and play againt someone and if you do any of the
tasks below, you will unlock a big play.
For every four big plays you accomplish, a letter is sent to you
telling you to go to Cannon island. When you get to Cannon Island, go
to the house and you will receive a Golden part for your ship.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
No Items Win without taking a single item
No Dribble Win without dropping a Force Gems outside a base
or safe zone
Limit Defeat Link within the last 20 seconds twice
Solo Defeat Link in any one turn using only one Phantom
Break Break 10 or more of your opponent's helpful items.
Take Pick up 10 or more of your helpful items
Perfect Master Complete the Big Plays "Perfect" and "Limit"
in the same match
Quick Win a match, felling Link in the first 20 seconds of two
Miracle Win with a final score of 1-0
Get Everythig Win, turning all the Force Gems your color
Guardian Win without letting your opponent score any points
Perfect Complete the Big Plays "Get Everything" and "Guardian"
in the same match
No Miss Win without being taken down as Link
Guardian King Take Link down 3 times as the Phantoms
Master Complete the Big Plays "No Miss" and "Guardian"
in the same match
Battle Master Complete the Big Plays "Limit" and "Master"
in the same match
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