Unlockable Farming Crops
* Ship 100 Spring Crops to unlock Cucumber.
* Ship 100 Summer Crops to unlock Onions.
* Ship 100 Autumn Crops to unlock Yams.
* Ship 100 Wheat to unlock Cabbage.
* Ship 100 each of 5 different crops to unlock Wheat.
* Shipping 100 Crops from two out of three Seasons will unlock
2 Farming Characters.
* Strawberries, Pumpkins and Spinach will be unlocked
when you have unlocked 2 Farming Characters.
Unlockable Area Near Tower
Raise Wada's Friendship to 7 Hearts or higher. In the 3rd Year,
visit him to unlock the area near the Tower. Manfred will give you a
random item daily. Save your game before you speak to him and reload
in order to obtain Crops and Grains not yet unlocked.
Unlockable Characters
To unlock the characters listed below, fulfill the corresponding
requirement listed.
* Alisa - Meet her with Nathan
* Denny - Catch 50 fish
* Dr. Trent - Remodel the hotel
* Eliza - Remodel your house
* Harvest Goddess - Make an offering in the Harvest Pond
* Lanna - Catch 70 fish
* Nathan - Make two offerings to the Harvest Goddess
* Shea - Build a bridge to the jungle
* Wada - Meet with Shea
* Witch Princess - Build a bridge to the mountains
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