Hidden Battle mode
If you inspect your dog's house at 4:44 in the morning (you
pretty much have to wait until 4:40 and keep inspecting until it
happens), the Witch Princess will show up, teleport you to the mine
site, and set you up to challenge some of the girls you can marry. The
battle is played out like old school video games, where you are gives
a list of options to battle (attack, defend, dodge, charge, special,
escape). If you happen to win all of the rounds, the Witch Princess
will congradulate you and give you a diploma and a new title of
"Battle Master"(not sure where the title appears, if any)
Memory Game
Early in the morning at 6 AM when you first wake up, step outside
the house and immediately come back in. Inspect your clock to see if
it says "6:01." If it does, inspect the set of records on the shelf to
begin a very challenging memory game! Beware, as you must have a sharp
mind if you wish to beat it without cheating!
How to Unlock the TV Sprites
How to unlock the sprites that were zapped away.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Saturn Participate in 5 festivals
Venus Buy items from Karens store for 10 consecutive days
Neptune Have it from start
Uranus Get 100 or more friendship with any one villager
Mars Ship 300 of the same produce items
Earth Save 20 helper sprites
Pluto Ship 100,000 of any one produce item
Jupiter Buy 5 records
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