Unlockable Guitars
Complete the required task to unlock the guitar:
8-Bit Fireball:
Beat the Bass/Rhythm Guitar Storyline on expert.
8-Bit Hero:
Beat the Lead Guitar storyline on medium or higher.
8-Bit Ice:
Earn 5 stars on all songs in a storyline on medium or higher.
8-Bit Princess:
Earn 50,000 points or more in a song.
Aqua Mythology:
Earn 5 stars on all songs in a storyline on expert.
Blueberry Riff Maker:
Beat the Guitar Duel storyline on easy or higher.
Candy Apple Pompadour:
Beat the lead guitar storyline on hard or higher.
Coral Pink Dueling Screens:
Complete all songs in a venue on easy or higher.
Cranberry Riff Maker:
Earn 5 stars on all songs in a venue on expert.
Crimson Mythology:
Earn 5 stars on a song on hard or higher.
Dueling Screens Black:
Earn 5 stars on all songs in a storyline on hard or higher.
Dueling Screens On Tour:
Beat the Guitar Duel storyline on expert.
Electric Lady Riff Maker:
Earn 5 stars on all songs in a venue on easy or higher.
Fire Ray:
Earn 200,000 points or more in a song.
Heavy Vanquisher - Arctic Zebra:
Complete all songs in a venue on medium or higher.
Heavy Vanquisher - Plutonium:
Earn 5 stars on a song on expert.
Heavy Vanquisher - Uranium:
Complete all songs in a venue on hard or higher.
Heavy Vanquisher - Zebra:
Earn 5 stars on all songs in a venue on hard or higher.
Lava Mythology:
Complete all songs in a venue on expert.
Beat the Bass/Rhythm Guitar Storyline on easy or higher.
Mashup Extra Glue:
Earn 5 gold stars (by playing every note) on a song.
Mashup Stitches:
Complete all 3 victory songs.
Mashup Warehouse:
Beat the Guitar Duel storyline on medium or higher.
Monster Ray:
Play a note streak of 500 notes or more in a song.
Peace Strummer Hope:
Earn 125,000 points or more in a song.
Peace Strummer Joy:
Beat the Bass/Rhythm Guitar Storyline on medium or higher.
Peace Strummer Love:
Earn 5 stars on all songs in a storyline on easy or higher.
Peace Strummer Spirit:
Play a note streak of 250 notes or more in a song.
Polar White Dueling Screens:
Beat the Lead Guitar storyline on expert.
Purple Magic Pompadour:
Earn 5 stars on all songs in a venue on medium or higher.
Beat the Bass/Rhythm Guitar Storyline on hard or higher.
Rockcycler Glass:
Play a note streak of 100 notes or more in a song.
Rockcycler Metal:
Beat the Guitar Duel storyline on hard or higher.
Rockcycler Plastic:
Beat the Lead Guitar storyline on easy or higher.
Sour Apple Pompadour:
Earn 5 stars on a song on easy or higher.
Stellar Ray Sunburst:
Earn 5 stars on a song on medium or higher.
Unlockable Songs
By beating a "Career" on any difficulty, you unlock these songs:
Satch Boogie Beat Guitar Duel
Smooth Criminal Beat Rhythm/Bass Guitar
We Are The Champions Beat Lead Guitar
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