Guitar Finishes
The following guitar finishes can be unlocked to purchase
from the shop in career mode:
Unlockable - How to Unlock
Blue (Synapse) - Earn 5 stars on every song on expert mode.
Custom Cherry (ES-335) - Earn 5 stars on every song on medium mode.
Custom Rising Sun (X-Plorer) - Earn 5 stars on a song on easy mode.
Ebony (Firebird) - Earn 5 stars on a song on medium mode.
Orange (Vanguard) - Complete every song on expert mode.
Pale Yellow (Moderne) - Earn 5 stars on every song on easy mode.
Rootbeer (Les Paul Double Cutaway) - Earn 5 stars on every song
on hard mode.
The following guitars can be unlocked to purchase from
the store in career mode:
Unlockable - How to Unlock
ES-335 - Earn 5 stars in every song on a CD in medium mode.
Les Paul Dbl. Cutaway - Complete every song on hard mode.
Moderne - Earn 5 stars in every song on a CD in easy mode.
Synapse - Earn 5 stars in every song on a CD in expert mode.
Vanguard - Earn 5 stars on a song on expert.
I Am Not Your Gameboy
Complete all songs on guitar duel mode.
The following outfits can be unlocked to purchase from
the store in career mode:
Unlockable - How to Unlock
Axel's No Shirt - Complete every song on a CD on expert mode.
Axel's Other Shirt - Complete every song on medium mode.
Gunner Jaxon's Random Junk - Complete a song on easy mode.
Gunner Jaxon's Whatever - Complete a song on hard mode.
Johnny's Anarchy - Earn 5 stars on every song in a CD on hard mode.
Johnny's Ink - Complete every song on easy mode.
Judy's Flashback - Complete every song in a CD on medium mode.
Judy's Pirette - Complete a song on expert mode.
Memphis Rose's Biker Gal - Complete every song in a CD on hard mode.
Memphis Rose's Recruit - Complete a song on medium mode.
Pandora's Bad Apple - Complete every song on a CD in easy mode .
Pandora's Lace - Earn 5 stars on a song on hard mode.
Welcome To The Jungle
Beat the game with 5 Stars on Everything.
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