Cheat Codes
Enter these during gameplay without pausing:
[Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [X], [Y], [L], [R]
[L], [L], [R], [A], [A], [B], [B], [R]
[Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [B], [Y], [R], [L]
Lots of rain:
[Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [A], [X], [R], [L]
[Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Y], [A], [L], [R]
[Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [A], [B], [L], [R]
Wanted level down:
[R], [X], [X], [Y], [Y], [R], [L], [L]
Wanted level up:
[L], [L], [R], [Y], [Y], [X], [X], [R]
Weapons 1 (grenade, nightstick, pistol, minigun, assault, micro smg,
stubby shotgun):
[R], [Up], [B], [Down], [Left], [R], [B], [Right]
Weapons 2 (molotov, teaser, dual pistols, flamethrower, carbine, smg,
[R], [Up], [A], [Down], [Left], [R], [A], [Right]
Weapons 3 (mine, chainsaw, revolver, flamethrower, carbine, smg, dual-barrel):
[R], [Up], [Y], [Down], [Left], [R], [Y], [Right]
Weapons 4 (flashbang, bat, pistol, rpg, carbine, micro smg, stubby shotgun):
[R], [Up], [X], [Down], [Left], [R], [X], [Right]
Increased body armor strength: Complete all 5 waves of vigilante
missions with 100% kill rate
Infinite Sprint: Complete 5 Paramedic Missions
Silver Safe: Make a $2000 profit
Discount on the Ammu-nation store: Score gold medals on all weapons
at the Gun-Club
Gold medal: Attain a score of 10000 or more
for a weapon
Immunity to Fire: Get a Gold in the Fire truck Minigame
Increased body armor strength: Complete all 5 waves of vigilante
missions with 100% kill rate
Regenerating health: Beat both noodle delivery missions
(to gold ranking)
Upgraded delivery bag: Beat both mail courier missions
(to gold ranking)
Achieving certain tasks will reward you trophies, which can be
found on the Trophy Shelf in your apartment.
Diamond Pillbox: Unlock By Selling hallucinogens
Golden Binoculars: Discovering 40 drug dealers
Jeweled Bong: Unlock By Selling Depressants
Platinum Syringe: Purchase Heroin
Silver Safe: Make a $2000 profit
Wooden Spoon: Achieve a loss of $500
Jeweled Key to the City: Own all 21 safe houses in the city
Titanium Briefcase: Find all 80 dealers
Replay Feature
By using replay feature you can replay all of your favorite missions.
You can track your criminal career on leaderboards.
Here Be Dragons!
Take a boat ride to any corner of the map to be greeted with a
"Here Be Dragons!" message on the ocean floor.
Avoid manually Hotwiring Cars
If you enter a car and it requires you to hotwire it, you can
avoid it by exiting and re-entering the car. The car will then be
started and ready-to-go.
Bulletproof Taxi's
Complete dropping off 15 people in a row without the timer
running out and all taxi's will become bulletproof while you are in
them. This will not affect number of times cheated in the stats menu.
Unlockable Cars
Cars can be purchased at the Boabo Auto Merchant. Complete the
following missions to unlock the cars.
500 XLR8: Get a bronze medal in all Algonquin races
Banshee: Complete the mission "Weapons of Mass Destruction"
Bulldozer: Complete the mission "Conterfeit Gangster"
Patriot: Only avaliable via Gamestop pre-order bonus
Cityscape: Get a bronze medal in all time trials
Cognoscetti: Complete the mission "Grave Situation"
Comet: Complete the mission "Jackin Chan"
Coquette: Complete the mission "Raw Deal"
Formula R: Get a bronze medal in all street races
Go-Kart: Get a bronze medal in all Go-Kart time trials
Hearse: Complete the mission "Wheelman"
Hellenbach: Complete the mission "Bomb Disposal"
Infernus: Complete the mission "Cash & Burn"
Limo: Complete all of Guy's missions
MK GT9: Get a bronze medal in all Broker and Dukes races
NRG 900: Complete the mission "Wheelman"
Patriot: Complete the mission "Wheelman"
Resolution X: Complete the mission "Pimp His Ride"
Rhino: Complete all story missions
Sabre GT: Complete the mission "Operation Northwood"
Style SR: Get a bronze medal in all Bohan races
Unlock Xin Missions
First Unlock these items Diamond Pillbox, Golden Binoculars,
Jeweled Bong, Jeweled Key to the City, Platinum Syringe, Silver
Titanium Briefcase Wooden Spoon. Then find the 2 Lions of Fo hidden
randomly within the City. After this register your game over at the
RockStar Social Club and sync your Ds thru Wi-Fi. After a while you
will recieve a Mission Email from Xin:
Deadly Xin: Collect 8 trophies, and 2 lions of Fo.
Then Sync your stats with Rock Star.
Xin's of
the Father: Complete the Mission Deadly Xin
and have no wanted stars level.
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