
Brain Age Express: Arts and Letters

Destroy all enemies (Word Attack Space Mode)
During the Space mode of the Word Attack training game, if you press AYXB exactly in that order, all of the enemies on screen will be destroyed. NOTE: You only get to use this one time every time you train with this.
Destroy all enemies (Word Attack - Space mode)
Unlockable Games and Modes
Once a day, if you do a Training game or a Brain Age Check, you will get a stamp. Should you collect enough of these stamps, you will unlock new games, modes, and options. NOTE: To do Virus Buster after it's unlocked, you must have a stamp for that day.
Change Pen Tip
Get 22 stamps
Change Stamp Design
Get 03 stamps
Comment Settings
Get 08 stamps
Meet and Greet
Get 24 stamps
Meet and Greet - Hard Mode
Get 30 stamps
Photo Recall - Hard Mode
Get 18 stamps
Piano Player
Get 10 stamps
Piano Player - Hard Mode
Get 27 stamps
Select the Piano Player song (2nd time and thereafter each day)
Get 20 stamps
Slideshow Mode
Complete any two Themes
View Tips
Get 16 stamps
Virus Buster
Get 13 stamps
Word Attack
Get 01 stamp
Word Attack - Space Mode
Get 06 stamps
Unlock Challenge Mode
Any time after the initial Brain Age Check, if you obtain a Brain Age score of 20, you will unlock the Challenge Mode. NOTE: This is MUCH harder than what you normally do in Training.
Challenge Mode
Get a Brain Age score of 20

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Страница: Читы на Brain Age Express: Arts and Letters для Nintendo DS

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