
Bleach: The 3rd Phantom

Bleach: Unlockable Characters
Byakuya Kuchiki
Do "Byakuya's Cooperation" in free time, or beat him in Bleach tower, Level 9
Gin Ichimaru
Beat him in 5 turns (before Izuru) in Bleach Tower, Level 6
Grimjoww JaggurJaque
Complete floor 30 or Urahada's tower
Hanatarou Yamada
Do "Hanatarou's Cooperation" in free time, or beat him in Bleach Tower, Level 7
Hinamori Momo
Do "Hinamori's Cooperation" in free time, or beat her in Bleach Tower, Level 8
Defeat him on a one on one fight with your main character In "Ikkaku's cooperation" in free time
Izuru Kira
Do "Izuru's Cooperation" in free time, or beat him in Bleach Tower, Level 6
Kaname Tousen
Beat him in Bleach Tower, Level 12
Kempachi Zeraki
After Recruiting Ikkaku and Yumichika talk to yauchiru in free time afterwards defeat Kempachi in "Kempachi and Yauchiru's cooperation" in free time
Bleach Tower Stage 21. Have Hitsugaya to attack him and complete the stage
Renji Abarai
Do "Renji's Cooperation" in free time, or beat him in Bleach Tower, Level 9
Retsu Unohana
Do "Unohana's Cooperation" In free time, or beat her in Bleach Tower, Level 7
S. G. Yamamato
Do "Yamamato's Cooperation" In free time, or beat him in Bleach Tower, Level 4
Sajin Komamura
Do "Komamura's Cooperation" In free time, or beat him in Bleach Tower, Level 10
Shaolin Fong (Soi Fon)
Do "Soi fon's Cooperation" in free time, or beat her in Bleach Tower, Level 5
Shunsui Kyoraku
Do "Kyoraku's Cooperation" in free time, or beat him in Bleach Tower, Level 11
Shuuhei Hisagi
Do "Hisagi's Cooperation" in free time, or beat him in Bleach Tower, Level 12
Sousuke Aizen
Complete floor 30 of Urahada's tower
Unlocked with Kempachi
Yoruichi Shihouin (Current)
Do "Yoruichi's Cooperation" in free time, or beat her in Bleach Tower, Level 5
Yoruichi Shihouin (Former)
Beat her in Bleach Tower, in the level she's in with Kisuke Urahara
Unlocked after telling Yumichika he looks like the type to like a fight in "Yumichika's cooperation" in free time

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