
Zombie Revenge

Alternate Outfit:
     Select  your  character  and  hold  START and press X, Y, or B to
begin the game.

Cheat Select:
     Play  the  VMU  mini-game  to  open  up  the  following cheats in
original  mode: eternal life, area select, free continue and free time

Hidden items:
     Note   the   fan  at  the  beginning  of  the  Biological  Weapon
(Industrial  Sewage)  Plant level. Shoot it (you can not use a button)
to collect some hidden items.

Select level:
     Choose a fighting mode. Then hold Start while selecting 
a character.

Weapon select in episode 5:
     Just  before  you  fight  the gate keeper is a van with boxes and
zombies. There is a door on the far left. Walk up to the door and open
it . You can choose three weapons to place in a weapon bag once Inside

Change blood color:
     Beat  all  3  'Original  Modes'.  Go to the option window and you
should see a new option open, 'BLOOD COLORS'

Weapon trick with first Boss:
     When the boss is dead, you can pull a pipe out of his carcass.

Get all bosses up to Zed:
     At  press  start  screen,  let  demos run through intro, fighting
demos,  then  best  agent  screen.  Then go to fighting mode. Play one
match  against the cpu, win, and then exit. Highlight vs boss mode and
press  start  and A. At the select character screen, press start and A
again. It should give you all bosses up to Zed.

Free Play in Arcade Mode:
     Beat all three original modes to enable free play in arcade mode.

Stick Brietling's 4th costume:
     Go  to the options screen. Select "very hard" diffulculty. Select
15  "credits". Then select "original mode". Then select "normal mode".
Then  at  character  select  screen  hold the "start" button + the "Y"
button  when selecting STICK.Play game, when you get the armor it will
be red. Now you look like a guy from tron.

Hidden room:
     Once  you have reached the end level (The Sewer), kill everything
in  the  first  area. Get to the next area with the zombie standing on
the ledge. There is a boarded up door at this location. Punch the door
and  press  B  to enter a secret room that contains weapons, such as a
dual hand gun. Note: A zombie is in the room, off to the right side.

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