
WWF Royal Rumble

Different Background:
     You can change the Background by entering the Ranking Section and
viewing  every section. When you return to the Main Menu you will have
a  different  background  image.  Continue  to  do these steps and the
backgrounds will change every time.

Unlocking Shane McMahon:
     Beat Exhibition mode on any difficulty.

Unlock Vince McMahon:
     Beat Royal Rumble mode on any difficulty.

Infinite double team moves:
     Knock out the referee by hitting him with a weapon twice. Then, a
message  saying  "The Referee Is Knocked Out" will appear, followed by
the  words  "Double  Team".  You can now perform infinite double teams

Knock The Referee Out:
     Use a weapon and hit him twice. If you can pull this off you will
get  a  message  stating  "The  Referee Is Knocked Out". You then have
10-15  seconds  to  beat  the  daylights  out of your opponent without
hassle from the referee.

Ladder matches:
     Complete the royal rumble on difficulty 5 without continuing.

Secret Character:
     Comlete  the  game  in exhibition mode with all the player to get
the Dudley Boyz.

Get Inferno Match:
     Win the Royal Rumble 6 times and get the WWF Title 6 times.

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