
Sega GT Homologation Special

WSK Races:
     Successfully  complete each of the official races and event races
to  unlock  the first ending sequence and WSK Races. The WSK Races are
the Front Drive Car Cup, Rear Drive Car Cup and 4 Wheel Drive Car Cup.

Extra money:
     This  is  a way to get extra money in the game. You need 2 vmu's.
Start  a game, or use one already started, load it up, save it on both
vmu's.  Go  into  car  trade, and send the cars from vmu #2 to vmu #1.
Load vmu #1 and repeat. You can keep sending the same cars over again,
or  buy  a good one, say the viper, and start sending it. You can sell
each  car  for half of it's original value, sell the viper for a quick
80k.  If  you do this right you can end up with quite a few vipers and
make enough money to load out any car you want.

Fixing perpetual oversteer:
     If your car is oversteering too easy, or jumps into the sidewalls
even  without you touching the controls, then this simple modification
will  help  you out. Set your rear tires to soft tires, and your front
tires  to  medium tires. This along with proper suspension tweaks will
help keep your car on track.

Debug mode:
     When in the main menu of career mode press "Y" and the debug menu
will  appear,  press  the  trigger buttons to go through the different
options  and  press  "X"  to  confirm. You can get extra money,all the
licenses and the cars.

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