
Rippin' Riders Snowboarding

   Note! This title is also known as Cool Boarders Burrrn


Alternate clothing:
     Successfully  complete  the  game with any character to unlock an
additional set of clothing for that character.

Cool Boarders 2 practice track:
     Successfully  complete all five standard tracks (Mountain Review,
Emerald Forest, Urban Striker, Cave Slider, and Dancing Devils).

Secret Force track:
     Successfully complete all five standard tracks with the high score.

Longer super pipe:
     Break various records in the super pipe.

Play as Snowman:
     Successfully complete the Cool Boarders 2 practice track with the
high score.

Play as Gray:
     Successfully complete the Secret Force track.

Hidden snowboards:
     Get  the top score for each track to unlock new snowboards. There
are a total of eighteen snowboards in the game.

Clean Pause Screen:
     Pause and then press X and Y

All tracks:
     Select two player mode and begin game play. Quit the game, select
free  ride mode, complete the first course, then quit the game. Return
to  two player mode and begin game play. The "Next Course" option will
be  available  after  each  race including access to the special track
after the credit track.

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