
Marvel vs. Capcom

Full pause screen:
     Pause the game, hold Y and press X.

Fight as Lilith:
     Highlight  Zangief at the character selection screen. Then, press
Left,  Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down,
Left,  Left,  Up,  Up,  Up,  Up,  Right, Left, Down, Down, Down, Down,
Right,  Right,  Up,  Up,  Up,  Up, Left, Left, Down, Down, Down, Down,
Right, Down.

Fight as Roll:
     Highlight  Zangief at the character selection screen. Then, press
Left,  Left,  Down,  Down,  Right,  Right, Down, Down, Left, Left, Up,
Right,  Up,  Up,  Right,  Right, Roll will appear to the right of Mega

Fight as Shadow Lady:
     Highlight Morrigan at the character selection screen. Then, press
Up,  Right, Right, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Left, Up, Up, Up, Up,
Right,  Right, Left, Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left,
Left,  Up,  Up,  Right,  Right,  Up, Up, Left, Left, Down, Down, Down,
Down, Down.

Fight as Red Venom:
     Highlight  Chun-Li at the character selection screen. Then, press
Right,  Down,  Down,  Down,  Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right,
Down,  Down,  Left,  Left,  Down,  Down, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up,
Left, Left, Up.

Fight as Orange Hulk:
     Highlight  Chun-Li at the character selection screen. Then, press
Right,  Right, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left,
Left,  Up,  Up,  Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Right, Up, Up, Down, Down,
Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Up.

Fight as Gold War Machine:
     Highlight  Zangief at the character selection screen. Then, press
Left,  Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left, Left, Up, Up,
Up,  Up,  Right,  Right,  Left,  Left,  Down, Down, Down, Down, Right,
Right,  Up, Up, Left, Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, U p, Up, Up, Up,

Fight as Super War Machine:
     Highlight  Zangief at the character selection screen. Then, press
Left,  Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left, Left, Up, Up,
Up,  Up,  Right,  Right,  Left,  Left,  Down, Down, Down, Down, Right,
Right,  Up, Up, Left, Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, U p, Up, Up, Up,
Right,  Right,  Left,  Left, Down, Down, Down, Down, Right, Right, Up,
Up, Left, Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up.


Name changes:
     Enter  ---  as  a name to have the game change it to "SIN". Enter
AAA as a name to have the game change it to "CAP". Enter MMM as a name
to have the game change it to "MOT".

Switch starting character:
     Hold  Weak Punch + Medium Punch + High Punch at the versus screen
to  switch  the  character that first starts the match with the second
character selected.

Fight as Evil Ryu:
     Press Down, Down/Back, Back, Fierce Punch. Note: You must have at
least level 1 on you hyper combo bar, and can be done in easy mode.

Fight as Red Ryu (Ken):
     Press Down, Down/Back, Back, Medium Punch. Note: You must have at
least level 1 on you hyper combo bar, and can be done in easy mode.

Change back to normal Ryu:
     Press  Down, Down/Back, Back, Quick Punch. Note: You must have at
least level 1 on you hyper combo bar, and can be done in easy mode.

Full pause screen:
     Press Start to pause game play, then hold Y and press X.

Both characters fight at the same time:
     You  must  have a maximum level on the hyper combo bar to do this
trick,  but it will only last for a short time. Press Down, Down/Back,
Back, Weak Punch + Medium Punch + High Punch + Weak Kick + Medium Kick
+  High Kick to bring out your resting character t o help you fight. .
This  can  defeat  your  enemies  twice  as fast. Note: This is a very
difficult trick to accomplish.

Dual Team attack on Level 3:
     Press  Down,  Down/Back,  Back  +  High  Punch  + High Kick. Both
characters can be controlled at the same time for about ten seconds.

Continue attacking:
     Press  Start  immediately  after winning the match to move almost
everywhere  and  have  the  ability  to  continue hitting the defeated
character,  even  with  super  moves.  Note: You can not team counter,
switch  characters,  or perform team supers or dual team attac ks. You
can  only  hit  your opponent with the character you won wit. Note: If
you  happen  to  win  with both characters (dual team, team super) you
will not be able to move.

Magnetic Shockwave:
     Successfully  complete  the game with Mega Man. A message stating
that  the  "Magnetic  Shockwave"  was  obtained will appear. This will
allow  Mega Man to use Onslaught's Shockwave super move. (At this time
the actual way to execute the move remains unknown).

Secret character's partners:
     The secret characters always have the same partners, as follows.

Shadow Lady/Jin
Hyper Venom/Spider-Man
Gold War Machine/Captain America
Orange Hulk/Wolverine

Get Sentinel as your special partner:
     Press  Medium Punch, Medium Kick and Fierce Punch when you select
your 2nd guy.

Get Shadow as your special partner:
     Press  Jab  punch,  Medium  Kick and Fierce Punch when you select
your 2nd guy.

Play as Onslaught:
     To  play  as  Onslaught,  successfully  defeat each of the secret
characters  in  arcade  mode,  saving  them  to a memory card. Once al
characters  have  been enabled, the Onslaught mode will open up on the
title screen, enabling player 1 to play Onslaught against p layer 2 or
the CPU.

New weapon with Megaman:
     If you beat Onslaught with Megaman as the person landing the last
hit you will go to a screen where it says "you now have magnetic shock
wave".  It  shows  a  picture of megaman shooting out a shockwave like
Onslaught's out of his gun.

Snap Shot:
     Press  START  to  pause  game, then HOLD Y and press X. This will
enable  you  to see the characters and backgrounds clearly without the
tinted screen.

Choose Your Helper:
     To  obtain  the  helper  of you choice, you must always hold down
start  and  then  the  designated  buttons, just before selecting your
second character.



She can be used up to 6 times.

He can be used up to 8 times.

Unknown Soldier
He can be used up to 4 times.

Pure and Fur
She can be used 5 times.

She can be used 5 times.

He can be used 8 times.

She can be used 7 times.

He can be used 5 times.

Michelle Heart
She can be used 6 times.

King Arthur
He can be used 8 times.

She can be used 7 times.

She can be used 9 times

He can be used 4 times.


He can be used 7 times

U.S. Agent
He can be used 5 times.

She can be used 5 times.

Can be used 5 times.

He can be used 3 times.

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