
Fighting Vipers 2

Alternate Costumes
     Highlight  a  fighter  and  press  Up  or  Down  at the character
selection screen.

Alternate Ending
     Defeat  B.M.  in  the  final  match  with  a  Super  K.O. to view
alternate character art during the ending sequence.

Alternate Honey Costumes
     Successfully  complete  arcade or random mode with a total of six
or  more  Super  KO  finishes. Hold R or Z when selecting Honey at the
character selection screen for a pink or blue costume.

Bonus Stage
     Defeat  Mahler  in  arcade mode faster than 5:50, and either have
more than half your energy or finish your opponent with a Super K.O.

Charlie: Bike
     Press Down twice when fighting as Charlie.

Fight Against Armorless B.M.
     Defeat  Kuhn in the bonus stage in arcade mode. B.M.'s armor will
fall off before your match with him.

Fight as B.M.
     Defeat B.M. in arcade or random mode with a Super K.O.

Fight as Del Sol
     Successfully complete the game after defeating Del Sol in random

Fight as Kuhn
     Defeat Kuhn in the bonus stage in arcade mode.

Full Pause Screen
     Press Start to pause gameplay, then press X + Y.

Super Kick
     Hold Back and press Y.

Super Punch
     Hold Back and press X.

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