
Elemental Gimmick Gear

Hidden graphics:
     Put the disc in your PC CD-ROM and you will find some bonus pictures.

Regain health:
     Wait  until your character has less than eleven hit points. Then,
stand  on stairs and allow an opponent to hit your character to regain
up to eleven hit points

List enemies:
     Locate  two  computers  near  the  first  save  location  at  the
beginning  of  the  game.  Use  the  "Talk"  command to view a list of
enemies and extra graphics

Easy Gabaro and Elements:
     Go  into the 1st floor of Fogna through the North Fogedge. Follow
the  path  until  you  get  to  the  room  with the frozen floor. Upon
entering use the spin to kill all the LittleMurders. Stop spinning and
head  narrow  opening on top of the duct. Listen for the LittleMurders
as  the  come  out of the wall and spin to kill them all again. Repeat
this  to get lots of gabaros and elemental refills. Your health should
stay  about  the  same, even with the spinning, as you should get some
health refills too.

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