
Ecco The Dolphin: Defender Of The Future

Dolphin Soccer
     This secret is found on the Powers of Levitation level.
     To  play  dolphin soccer against a warring Clan member, the first
order of business is to swim to the large central building underwater.
Circle  it  until  you  find  the Information Shard. Enter the central
structure  here  and  head down the tunnel until you find an oval door
near  the  bottom.  This  passage is split up by several organic doors
that  dilate  when you get near them, allowing you to pass. Ignore the
side  paths  for  now,  just  head down the tunnel until you reach the
chamber  at  the end. There is a Clan member here and a bubbler in the
center  of  the room. If you turn and face the entrance, you'll notice
an  oval  section  of wall to the left moving slightly in the current.
Swim  through  it to find a secret room. Inside is a Stealth power-up.
Grab  it  and head straight back. There are a pair of yellow lights at
the  back of the room. Touch your nose to the right one to be taken to
Dolphin's  World  Championship,  a soccer match between you and a Clan

Active map
     Hold X (sonar) during game play for a long time. Press X again to
return to normal.

Full pause screen
     Press Start to pause game play, then press X + Y.

Glitch: Swim outside the game world
     Encounter  the  Boss in the "Blades..." level. It is a large room
with  a Boss that resembles a large dragonfly larvae. Go to the bottom
of  the  room  where  you  can  refill you air supply with the bubbles
coming  out  of  the ground. Next to the bubbles on the floor near the
wall is a small hole. Go through it and get outside the game world.

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Автор: slon
Одна из самых красивых Dreamcast-игр, очень качественно проработанный и воссозданный подводный мир, реалистичное управление, неплохой сюжет, рассказывающий о дельфине-спасителе мира, жившем в далёкие времена. Из минусов - довольно однообразно и иногда непросто понять, куда двигаться дальше.

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