
WWE All Stars

Unlock all Characters and Ring Gear
Press Left, Right, Left, Down, Up, Left, Right, Up on the D-pad as quickly as you can whilst in the Main Menu.
Alternate Ring Gear
Complete any of the "Path of Champions" with each WWF Legend or WWE Superstar to unlock their 2nd attire. Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, and Randy Savage have an extra 3rd attire which will be unlocked as well.
Alternate Ring Gear
Complete Path of Champions with any WWF Legend or WWE Superstar to unlock their alternate attire(s).
Unlock Hidden Wrestlers
Some wrestlers will be locked at the beginning of the game. To unlock the following wrestlers, select them in their respective matches in Fantasy Warfare mode and defeat their given opponent.
Drew McIntyre
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match "Pride of Scotland" with him against Rowdy Roddy Piper
Eddie Guerrero
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match "Greatest High Flier" with him against Rey Mysterio
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match "Excellence of Edgecution" with him against Bret "Hitman" Hart
Jack Swagger
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match "Stars & Stripes Showdown" with him against Sgt. Slaughter
Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match "Ruthless Aggression" with him against Kane
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match "Ruthless Aggression" with him against Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka
Mr. Perfect
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match "Perfectly Awesome" with him against The Miz
Sgt. Slaughter
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match "Stars & Stripes Showdown" with him against Jack Swagger
Shawn Michaels
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match "Mr. Wrestlemania" with him against The Undertaker
The Miz
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match "Perfect Awesome" with him against Mr. Perfect

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