

Flip Mode
After you've beaten the game, you'll unlock Flip Mode, which flips the entire game vertically.
Flip Mode
Beat the game.
Intermissions Mode
By completing all the in-game intermission levels, you can replay them any time via Intermissions Mode.
Intermissions Mode
Complete all the Intermission levels.
Jukebox Music
You can unlock different theme music for the jukebox by collecting trinkets.
Pipe Dream
Collect twenty trinkets.
Popular Potpourri
Collect eighteen trinkets.
Positive Force
Collect eight trinkets.
Potential For Anything
Collect twelve trinkets.
Predestined Fate
Collect sixteen trinkets.
Presenting VVVVVV
Collect ten trinkets.
Pressure Cooker
Collect fourteen trinkets.
Pushing Onwards
Collect five trinkets.
Jukebox Music
You can unlock different theme music for the jukebox by collecting trinkets.
ecroF evitisoP
Collect twenty trinkets.
No Death Mode
If you achieve an S-Rank or above in at least four time trials, you can unlock the No Death Mode. Doing so gives you the challenge of playing the entire game without dying once.
No Death Mode
Achieve an S-Rank or above in at least four Time Trials.
The Secret Lab
If you collect all twenty trinkets and talk to Victoria, you'll gain access to The Secret Lab, which includes the Super Gravitron and the trophy room.
The Secret Lab
Collect all twenty trinkets and talk to Victoria.
Time Trials
By completing certain tasks in the game, you can unlock competitive time trial versions of the levels.
Space Station 1
Rescue Violet and find three trinkets.
Space Station 2
Rescue Vitellary and find twelve trinkets.
The Final Level
Complete the game and find eighteen trinkets.
The Laboratory
Rescue Victoria and find six trinkets.
The Tower
Rescue Vermillion and find nine trinkets.
The Warp Zone
Rescue Verdigris and find fifteen trinkets.
If you perform certain tasks in the game, you'll unlock special trophies that can be viewed in The Secret Lab.
Fifth Super Gravitron Trophy
Last 30 seconds on the Super Gravitron.
Final Level Mastered
Obtain a V Rank in the Final Level Time Trial.
First Death Trophy
Win with less than 500 deaths.
First Super Gravitron Trophy
Last 5 seconds on the Super Gravitron.
Flip Mode Complete
Beat Flip Mode.
Fourth Death Trophy
Win with less than 50 deaths.
Fourth Super Gravitron Trophy
Last 20 seconds on the Super Gravitron.
Game Complete
Beat the game.
Laboratory Mastered
Obtain a V Rank in the Laboratory Time Trial.
Master of the Universe
Complete No Death Mode.
Second Death Trophy
Win with less than 250 deaths.
Second Super Gravitron Trophy
Last 10 seconds on the Super Gravitron.
Sixth Super Gravitron Trophy
Last 1 minute on the Super Gravitron.
Space Station 1 Mastered
Obtain a V Rank in the Space Station 1 Time Trial.
Space Station 2 Mastered
Obtain a V Rank in the Space Station 2 Time Trial.
The Tower Mastered
Obtain a V Rank in the Tower Time Trial.
Third Death Trophy
Win with less than 100 deaths.
Third Super Gravitron Trophy
Last 15 seconds on the Super Gravitron.
Warp Zone Mastered
Obtain a V Rank in the Warp Zone Time Trial.

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