
Thor: God of Thunder

Alternate costumes for Thor
The following alternate costumes for Thor are unlocked either by locating a costume icon in-game or by beating a mode. Once unlocked, you can select a costume from the profile screen.
Coipel Thor (costume designed by Oliver Coipel)
Vanaheim (The Arrival); after charging the first door and going through it stay on the overhang and walk behind the tower with the door
Destroyer Thor (Destroyer wearing Thor's cape and holding Mjolnir)
Beat the game at any difficulty (tested on normal)
Kirby Thor (costume designed by Jack Kirby)
Niflheim (The Approach); after throwing the statue head, it's to the right of one of the giant stairs
Ultimate Thor (Ultimate Avengers costume)
Midgard (Burning Town); in the same area where you saved the trapped civilians from fire outside the police station
Ragnarok! Difficulty
Finish the game once with any difficulty.

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